Contact Lenses

Our Free Trial

Gathercole & Ward offer a free trial service on most monthly and daily soft contact lenses. These are subject to certain prescription limits and up to a maximum two-month fitting period. Any extension to this period will incur the full fitting fee. Toric (for astigmatism) and multifocal contact lens fitting fees range from £65.00 - £110.00, plus exchange fees. This will also be under a two-month fitting period. Any extension to this will involve further costs per consultation. Gas permeable lenses (single vision / multifocal) are not available on a free trial. This also applies to custom made soft lenses and some toric lenses, where a fee will be applied.

Existing Contact Lens Wearers

If you have an up-to date copy of your lens specification or you have your fitting / aftercare with us, then we can order lenses at any time within the 12 months since your last visit. If it is more than 12 months since your last aftercare then this must be carried out before any lenses can be ordered.

Contact Lens Fitting

Our optometrists will carry out an initial assessment to ascertain suitability for contact lens wear. Discussions between you and your optometrist will help to decide on the most appropriate type of contact lens. We keep many trial lenses in stock and teach insertion, removal and care of contact lenses.